Geysir Glíma

Afhverju Glíma?

Why Glíma?



Geysir Glíma er veitingastaður, kaffihús og ísbúð sem opnaði á Geysi í júní árið 2012. Um er að ræða nýja upplifun þar sem

náttúra Íslands, þjóðaríþrótt Íslendinga og einstök hönnun

er leidd saman á einum stað. Veitingastaðurinn er hannaður

af Leifi Welding og er íslensk náttúra innblástur hans.

The restaurant Geysir Glíma opened at Geysir in June the year of 2012.
It offers a variety of services and serves both as a restaurant and
a coffeehouse as well as an ice cream shop. This creates a unique experience where Icelandic nature, Iceland’s national sport and unique design are led together in one spot. The restaurant was designed by Leifur Welding and his inspiration for the design was sought entirely from the Icelandic nature.

Hér erum við / We are here

Lögð er áhersla á íslenskt eldhús og
fersk hráefni beint frá býli. Í hádeginu
(frá 11.30 - 14.30) er alltaf í boði heitur
matur og þar má meðal annars finna
ferskan fisk dagsins, ljúffengt lamb,
brakandi purusteik og plokkfisk borinn
fram með hverabrauði Geysis.

Ávallt eru þrjár tegundir af súpu í boði, kjötsúpa, fiskisúpa og súpa dagsins bornar fram með nýbökuðu brauði. Einnig er hægt
að fá pizzur, panini, bökur og margt fleira. Glæsilegt úrval er af kökum og bakkelsum ásamt nýmöluðu kaffi frá Illy, ís úr vél með heimagerðum vöffluformum og kúluís.
Úrval af víni og sérstök áhersla er lögð á
úrval af íslenskum bjór.

Emphasis is placed on an Icelandic kitchen
and fresh produce straight from the farmer. During lunch hours (from 11.30-14.30) there
is a variety of choices of hot meals including the fish of the day, delicious lamb, crispy pork belly and traditional Icelandic fish stew served with freshly baked hot spring bread.

We always serve three kinds of soups, traditional Icelandic meat soup, fish soup
and a soup of the day, which are served with freshly baked bread. We also offer pizzas, paninis and quiches as well as other varieties of food. We have an elegant selection of cakes and pastries and freshly ground Illy coffee as well as soft ice in homemade waffle cones and scoops. We offer a selection of wine and special focus is on having a variety of Icelandic beer.

Sigurður Greipsson forfaðir fjölskyldunnar
var mikill íþróttagarpur og frumkvöðull í íþróttaskólastarfi. Höfum við reynt að halda minningu hans og hans góða starfi á lofti og því er glímusýning hluti af veitingastaðnum. Meðal annars er til sýnis Grettisbeltið sem er merkasti og sögufrægasti gripur í gjörvallri íþróttasögu Íslands og einnig sá elsti en beltið hefur verið geymt í bankahólfi þar til það kom hingað á Geysi Glímu.

An ancestor of the Geysir family named Sigurður Greipsson was a great sports champion and pioneer in the school of sports. We try to honor his memory and
the good work he did and we therefore showcase the national sport Glíma which
is a mix of wrestling and dancing and is very enjoyable to observe. Among other things we showcase the most remarkable and historically famous piece in the
history of Icelandic sports and also the oldest, a belt called Grettisbeltið, which
has been kept in a bank vault until it arrived here at Geysir Glíma.

» Meira / More

Geysir Glíma Restaurant  

+354 481 3003


/ Opening hours:
10:00 - 17:00

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